As with domain decomposition, the result of the asset analysis activity is a list of potential candidate services. 对于域分解,资产分析活动所得到的结果是潜在候选服务列表。
The algorithm firstly usd space decomposition method to identify potential regional intersection and then used bounding volume boxes to locate the intersection triangles and the exact points. 该算法首先用空间剖分法找出潜在的相交区域,然后用包围盒求得碰撞的三角面片对和精确的碰撞点。
Compared with the traditional pyramid decomposition, the fusion scheme based on wavelet is more capable to retain and pick up image information and has a greater application potential. 与传统金字塔方法相比较,基于小波变换的融合算法能够很好地保持图像的信息,提取源图像信息的能力更强,具有广阔的应用前景。
The analytical integral formulas and singular value decomposition were employed to treat the2D potential inverse boundary condition determination problems of thin body. 针对二维薄体位势柯西边界条件识别反问题,提出了解析积分和奇异值分解联合正则化算法。
The Effects of Hypoxia on Wavelet Decomposition of Event-related Potential 急性缺氧对事件关联电位小波变换的影响
Decomposition of potential functions for dynamic solid-fluid coupling equations of liquid-saturated soils 饱和土介质的固-流耦合动力方程的势函数分解
And the parameters include ionic specific conductivity, electronic specific conductivity, transference number and decomposition potential and so on. 参数包括离子电导率,电子电导率,迁移数和分解电压等。
Based on laboratory data, such as, the internal current, feature curve of charge and discharge current versus time, and decomposition potential of rock sample, the reaction resistance of the interface between solidstate graphite ore and liquid phase has proved to be very high; 根据岩矿石标本的内电流、充放电时间特性曲线、分解电势等实验数据资料,论证了石墨矿固液相界面反应电阻充分大。
Application of singular value decomposition to potential field data processing 奇异值分解在位场资料处理中的应用
Firstly, the research of this paper is focus on preflight global planning algorithm based on cell decomposition methods and artificial potential field methods. 本文首先对基于栅格法和人工势场法思想的离线航迹规划算法进行了研究。
The theoretical decomposition potential of glyoxalic acid could be a constant (-1.00V) approximately. 求得的乙醛酸理论分解电压Ed接近为一常数(-1.00v)。
In this work, the new decomposition of the Dirac Brueckner-Hartree-Fock ( DBHF) G-matrix is adopted to investigate the isospin-dependent relativistic microscopic optical potential ( RMOP). 本工作将相对论DiracBrueckner-Hartree-Fock得到的核子有效相互作用G矩阵应用于散射问题,研究了同位旋相关的相对论微观光学势(RMOP)。
These results provided a direct experimental evidence to support the electrochemical decomposition of LiF driven by the transition metal Ni in the potential range from 1.0 V to 4.0 V. LiF-Ni nanocomposite electrodes could be a novel candidate that could be used as an appropriate for Li storage material. 这一结果为LiF可以由过渡金属Ni驱动分解提供了直接的实验证据。
The optical property and excellent character of low-temperature thermal decomposition of the copper nitride thin film make it has potential applications in the information storage. 氮化铜薄膜的光学性能及其突出的低温热分解特性,使得它在信息存储方面有广阔的应用前景。
Based on the decomposition of stress increment, the decompostion formulation of the generalized plastic potential theory involving principal stress axes rotation is put forward and the difficulty of determination of plastic coefficients is reduced significantly. 在应力增量分解的基础上,提出含主应力轴旋转的广义塑性位势理论的分解表达式,它大大减小了求取塑性系数量的难度。
Decomposition of the EMG signal is a procedure by which the EMG signal is separated into its constituent motor unit action potential trains ( MUAPT). 肌电信号的分解是根据肌电信号形成的机理,还原出构成它的各个运动单位动作电位序列(MUAPT)的过程。
Study on the decomposition of halocarbons and its impact on o_3 destruction and ozone depletion potential 氟氯碳化合物的分解及对其损耗O3和臭氧消耗潜势的影响
This paper explores image decomposition and odd divisible number by using sieve method of potential difference. 本文阐述应用位差筛法,对奇合数进行图象法分解的实验探索。
Ab Initio Study of the Structure and Decomposition of RDX and the Intermolecular Potential of Ar-N_2 and H_2O-H_2O RDX的电子结构和热解机理及Ar-N2,H2O-H2O分子间相互作用势的从头算研究
Secondly, based on the decomposition of gauge potential and the φ-mapping theory, φ-topological field theory of vector and spinor field is established and the Euler class is quantized by nodal indices of vector field. 其次,基于规范势的向量和旋量分解以及φ-映射理论,论文建立了向量场和旋量场的φ-映射拓扑场论,并将欧拉类用这些场的缺陷指标表征。
The degree that global precipitation change influences litter decomposition will depend on the potential magnitude of this change as well as the current moisture conditions. 全球降水变化对陆地生态系统枯落物分解的影响不但取决于现有水分条件而且还取决于降水变化的程度。
DSC shows that these compounds have excellent thermostability with high decomposition temperature. Moreover, The large differences between melting temperature and decomposition temperature of some crystals will offer a potential for the melt-based crystal growth. 2. 热分析结果表明该系列咪唑盐类化合物均具有良好的热稳定性,具有较高的分解温度,部分晶体有望采用熔融法进行生长。
In this paper, according the theory of molten salt electrolysis, the decomposition voltage molten salt and the electrode potential of the metals were calculated and analysised. 采用熔盐电化学还原理论,计算并分析了理论分解电压和金属的的电极电位。
Using the decomposition theory of gauge potential, they are evaluated as the generalized linking numbers of higher-dimensional knots with zero width. Finally, the momentum fields oi two-component Ginzburg-Landau superconductor is investigated. 然后用规范势分解理论,证明了此不变量对应零厚度高维纽结膜的广义linkingnumbers。最后,论文还研究了两组分Ginzburg-Landau超导中涡旋的动量场。
Empirical Mode Decomposition which processing procedure is simple has made breakthrough in the traditional signal processing and it can analyze the instantaneous feature of the non-linear signal correctly. It is a potential researching method. 经验模态分解(EMD),是突破了传统信号处理的常规思路,处理方法简单,且能较准确的分析非线性信号的瞬时特征,是具有一定潜力的研究方法。
Traditional route planning methods include the following three: the method based on the cell decomposition, the method based on the roadmap, artificial potential field, etc. Route planning based on route segments is a new method compared with the proposed route planning. 传统的航迹规划方法包括基于单元分解的规划、基于路线图的规划和人工势场等方法。
Through the analysis on impulse response function and variance decomposition of VAR and VEC model, it can be known that economy growth is a relatively independent variable, which shows that it has great potential in promoting economy growth exerted by education development in Chongqing. 由VAR模型和VEC模型的脉冲响应函数分析和方差分解分析可知,经济增长是一个相对独立的变量,表明重庆市教育发展对经济增长的作用潜力很大。
Though the super-resolution detection finding technology based on subspace decomposition has many potential advantages such as high accuracy of resolution and detection of multiple DOA values at the same time in theory, all these merits based on the assumption that the array manifold is certainly known. 虽然基于子空间分解技术的超分辨测向技术在理论上具有分辨精度高、能同时测出多个DOA值等许多潜在的优势,但其是基于阵列流型精确已知这一前提。
Based on the difference between weighted Mahalanobis distance function and traditional Mahalanobis distance function, Mason-Young-Tracy ( MYT) orthogonal decomposition method of weighted Mahalanobis distance is put forward, and applied to potential causes analysis of multidimensional abnormal points. 本文在分析赋权重马氏距离函数与传统马氏距离函数差异的基础上,提出了赋权重马氏距离MYT正交分解法,并将其应用于多元系统马氏田口异常值异常原因分析。